In the space between what was and what will be, is a raw canvas for creativity & a playground for curiosity. Where something new & interesting is always just around the corner. 
Meanwhile Block is a space for dreamers & doers, for art & expression, for brilliant ideas & sharing experiences that spark our creativity & put a sparkle in our eyes.

Welcome to the block!

Person painting on a wall at the Meanwhile Block.

Okay, but literally, what is it?

Analogy time! MWB is like a creative circus that sets-up in a vacant space in town, but stays longer than a week, and invites you down to the main ring from time to time for shows. Without elephants. 
It's a literal location to go to [for events & experiences that we co-create with our community] and stroll through [to see art & curious things while you're downtown.] 

Do you have an event, pop up retail,

an installation or a fun idea?

Or just want more info?